Made out of my desire to learn how to use Figma, Beans is a concept clothing company. I created the branding, accessible color palette, and icons as part of an online course through Skillshare. The fun and dynamic site is geared toward a younger target audience.

I created a customer persona to help gear the site towards a specific demographic. The ideal customer for Beans Clothing Co. is a woman named Emma. She is in her late 20's and is married. Emma lives in Columbus, Ohio and has bought product like this before.
Below is a simplified purchase flow, showing a user navigating through a purchase of one of Beans' cat inspired shirts.
I created an animation using the smart animate feature as a way to show the order has been placed and is processing.

Utilizing Figma's features, I was able to build out a few components into a small library, which I used across the site. This saved time in the overall process. If I need to make changes down the road, I can update one component once and it will automatically change throughout each page.
In the Prototype tab, various flows can be created to showcase a user's experience navigating the site.